
Tsugaru City International Relations Homepage


City Information

City was created on February 11th, 2005, in a regional merger involving the Town of Kizukuri and the Villages of Morita, Kashiwa, Inagaki, and Shariki.  As of May 2006, the cityfs population was 39,724 people.  The Tsugaru area is known throughout Japan for two things: its harsh winters and challenging local dialect.



Location and Climate

City is located on the Tsugaru Peninsula in northwest Aomori Prefecture, the northernmost prefecture on the main island of Japan.  Bordered on the west by the Sea of Japan, the city spans an area of approximately 100 square miles, 56% of which is used for agricultural purposes.

Each season in Tsugaru is distinct, with a brilliant green accompanying the spring rice planting, a comparatively cool summer, and a short yet vibrant autumn.  Tsugaru Cityfs most distinct season is by far winter, where upwards of 60h of snow falls in a given year.

Temperatures hover just below freezing during the winter months before warming up in April and May to 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit.  Summer is usually cool but very humid, with highs around 90 degrees.  Summer ebbs into fall beginning in September and temperatures drop into the mid 60s.


City Overview

      Population: 39,647 (as of May 2006)

      Area: 98 square miles

      Workforce Population: 19,977 (49.8% of the total population)

      Occupation:

Business/Service Industry: 41%

Agriculture/Farming: 33.5%

Manufacturing/Construction: 25.5%

      City Homepage (Japanese only): http://www.city.tsugaru.aomori.jp


Tsugaru City Info

Sightseeing Information

Exchange Program

Sister City: Bath, Maine

International Events

Coordinator for
International Relations

Message Board



(c) 2006   Tsugaru City International Relations Homepage  All rights reserved









